One Empire Two Palaces %17 indirimli Önder Küçükerman

One Empire Two Palaces

One Empire, Two Palaces was written bye the author by starting from the thought that the “Topkapı and Dolmabahçe Palaces, which are the golden links in a 500 -year chain in the creation of the Turkish desing and art heritage, are very unique Yazının devamı...
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Ürün Özellikleri

One Empire, Two Palaces was written bye the author by starting from the thought that the “Topkapı and Dolmabahçe Palaces, which are the golden links in a 500 -year chain in the creation of the Turkish desing and art heritage, are very unique structures that connect the creative thoughts of the Orient and the West to each other.“
One Empire, Two Palaces brings to the present-day the voices of those who used the great will there, of those who designed and produced treasures and of those who experienced successes and failures at the Topkapı Palace. Subsequently, while following the traces of the amazing revolution experienced at the Dolmabahçe Palace, it is also making us hear the sounds of the Industrial Revolution. On the other hand, what was experienced during the period of construction of these two palaces did not only remain within the architectural spaces. They are also showing us that they presented the synthesis of many different desing and creativity competitions, which complemented each other.
Thus, this book is a very short story of this 500-year long course of creativity.
(Arka Kapak)



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