More Tales of Mystery and Imagination - Level 5 Edgar Allan Poe

More Tales of Mystery and Imagination - Level 5

Sayfa Sayısı
Second volume of selected Edgar Allan Poe's short stories - English language learners of all ages will enjoy developing their vocabulary and reading fluency as they read The Oval Painting, The Mystery of Marie Roget, the terrifying The Pit and the Yazının devamı...
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Ürün Özellikleri

Second volume of selected Edgar Allan Poe's short stories - English language learners of all ages will enjoy developing their vocabulary and reading fluency as they read The Oval Painting, The Mystery of Marie Roget, the terrifying The Pit and the Pendulum, and others. Students and teachers alike will be spellbound with these adaptations of the master of suspense and the macabre.
Compass Classic Readers provide beginning and intermediate English language learners accessible adaptations of the greatest works of literature. Carefully designed to retell the stories using vocabulary and sentence structure appropriate for one of six different grade levels.
Carefully graded, retold-stories using appropriate vocabulary and sentence structure
Motivating full-color illustrations
Discussion questions before and after each chapter
A glossary of key vocabulary words
A short playlet for fun classroom activities
An MP3 CD of the full story
(Tanıtım Bülteninden)

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1. Hamur


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