Cirque du Freak (Collins Readers) Darren Shan

Cirque du Freak (Collins Readers)

Sayfa Sayısı
Told in a compelling 'mock-umentary'style, Cirque Du Freak is more than just a spooky supernatural tale. It has bags of teaching potential, and is consistently described as one of the best books to engage reluctant readers - and keep them reading. Darren Yazının devamı...
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Ürün Özellikleri

Told in a compelling 'mock-umentary'style, Cirque Du Freak is more than just a spooky supernatural tale. It has bags of teaching potential, and is consistently described as one of the best books to engage reluctant readers - and keep them reading.
Darren is just your average schoolboy - or was, at least - until he and his friend Steve buy tickets to the outlawed magical and macabre Cirque Du Freak. Packed with wonderfully grotesque characters - including a snake - boy, a wolf - man and, most exciting of all, an enormous performing spider - the boys are enchanted, fascinated and yet terrified by the show.
Darren, a total spider freak, decides to steal and train the spider to perform amazing tricks. Not realising the extreme consequences of his daring theft, Darren finds himself forced to make a terrible bargain with a creature of the night...
(Tanıtım Bülteninden)

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