A Bear’s Word

Sayfa Sayısı
Grizzly bears are one of the biggest mammals living on the land. Their weights range between 80 - 600 kilograms. They can walk on their feet as humans. They eat not just meat but also various herbs. They are very strong. They can run as fast as a horse, Yazının devamı...
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Ürün Özellikleri

Grizzly bears are one of the biggest mammals living on the land. Their weights range between 80 - 600 kilograms. They can walk on their feet as humans. They eat not just meat but also various herbs. They are very strong. They can run as fast as a horse, climb like a mountaineer and swim like a swimmer. During winter, they sleep for months in a sheltered place without any food or drink. They live 40 years in average.
In this story, you will meet a bear who didn't forget a favour of his friend.
(Tanıtım Bülteninden)

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